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01George's favourite toy is Mr Dinosaur.
George:What do you want to have for supper?
Ben: Can we have pizza tonight? It's my favourite food!
02At suppertime, Mr Dinosaur sits next to George.
在一个准确的时间前,使用at,如:at 3 O'clock, at 10.30 am, at noon, at dinnertime, at sunrise/sunset, at the moment.
在月,年,世纪和一段长时间前,使用in,如:in May, in summer, in 1900, in the middle ages, in the future.
在日或日期前,使用on,如:on Sunday, on 1 May, on Christmas Day, on my birthday.
在以下几种固定搭配中,使用at:at night, at the weekend, at Christmas, at the same time, at present(注意,一些英语使用者说on Christmas和on the weekend).
在以下几种固定搭配中,使用in:in the morning/afternoon/evening.
在以下几种固定搭配中,使用on:on Monday morning, on Sunday evening, on Tuesday afternoon.
03George shares his bath with Mr Dinosaur.
Lisa: I had a big breakfast this morning and I am not very hungry. Do you want to share a salad with me?
Alex: There isn't an empty table. Would you mind sharing with me?
A detective is a very important person who is good at finding things.
讲解:学会用good at something来表示擅长某事,如:
1. Ben has been practising football since he was three and he is good at it.
2. Alex is very good at solving maths problems.
I wonder if this time you threw Mr Dinosaur just a bit too high.
讲解:学会用I wonder if...的句型来提问,或者提出请求,如:
George: I wonder if there's a way to plan all our meetings in Beijing tightly so that we can finish the business trip in 3 days.(不知是否可以把会议日程安排的紧凑一点,三天结束出差)
Alex:Mom, this week's English assignment is really difficult, I wonder if you have the time to help me?(本周的英语作业有点难,不知道你有没有时间帮帮我)
There he is!
讲解:倒装句是用来强调的一种句型。There she/he is, there you are, there you go, here we go, here I am/we are, here you go等,是日常常用的几种倒装句。以下是它们的意思和用法:
There she/he/it is 或 there you are 强调“there”,当你不知道一样东西或者一个人在哪里,然后你找到了之后,可以这样说:
George: I can't find my mobile phone.
Lisa: Didn't you leave it on the dining table earlier?
George: There it is! I found it, Lisa.
在两人或多人讨论问题,寻找解决方案,或者是一人(此人心里知道答案)在指导他人解答问题时,可以用there you are和there you go来表示“这样就对了”,“没错,就是这样”的意思。
Here we go强调“here”,用来描述一件事情开始了,如:
The roller coaster is nearly at the top, here we go!(过山车马上到顶了,开始吧!)
Here I am 强调我在“这里”,可以用来告诉大家,“我来了,我到了!”
Lisa: Here we are, students. We have reached the botanic garden.
可以用Here you go 来表达你把对方需要的东西给到对方了,或者你准备告诉对方一件事情,如:
John: Here you go, George. This is the report you've been asking for.
Lisa: What movie do you want to watch tonight?
George: Oh, let's watch the new avenger movie. Superhero movies are my favourite.
John: We will leave for Beijing on Wednesday morning and we will get there in the evening. I've already made a dinner reservation at 7 o'clock, our clients will meet us at the restaurant. We will have 3 back-to-back conferences on Thursday.
Lisa: Students, let's give a warm welcome to Mr Lee. Mr Lee is a surgeon and he's here today to share with us what's it like to be a doctor!
George: John, could you ask Michael to process this sales data? He's very good at Excel.
John: I wonder if Michael has the time. It is nearly the end of the month, he must have a heavy workload. I will give him a call.
1. Lisa: Can I have a cup of latte, please?
Barista: Here you go, a cup of latte.
2. John: Hey, Michael. Can you show me how to use Excel to process data?
Michael: No problem......
John: Like this?
Michael: There you go!
