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VOE丨【Screen Age】Superhero.

阅读量:3680829 2019-10-22

VOE丨Screen Age

E:Hello everyone! Welcome to Screen Age.
B:Do you like superhero? Today we will bring two films about it!
E:Wow! I like it so much.
B:And now let's start it.
E:"Spider-Man"is a superhero-type film directed by American director Sam Remy. It was premiered in the United States on May 3, 2002.
The film mainly tells the story of a student named Peter Parker who was bitten by a genetically modified spider and has the power of Superman. He sweared to use his super power to confront the crime.
B:The screenwriters of the film are Stan Lee, David Cap and others, starring Toby Maguire, Kirsten Dunst, William Dafoe, and James Franco and the film lasts about 121minutes.
E:Peter Parker was originally an ordinary high school student who has always had a crush on his neighbor Mary Jane. In an observation class, Peter was bitten by a spider with radiation. He began to have a variety of super powers: he could walk on walls and ceilings, and can emit spider webs from his wrists. At first, Peter used these super powers to make a little money, but when his uncle was killed, he vowed to use his super powers to fight crime.
B:Mary Jane is a neighbor and classmate of Peter Parker. Peter has always liked her since she was six years old. Living with her father, but always being scolded by him. Although she decided to become an actress, she became a waitress after graduation. When she was in contact with Peter's good friend Harley Osborne, she loved Peter. Since she was saved by Spider-Man several times, she gradually liked Spider-Man.
B: Peter, a middle school student, leads a simple life with his uncle and aunt. He is fairly smart but shy.
E: Therefore, Peter is made fun of classmates. What's more, he has a crush on the girl Mary.
B: Once at an activity, Peter and other students watch a science show about spiders. Accidently, he is bited by a variable spider.
E: After a day, when he wakes up, he finds that he has a great many unusual abilities just like a spider.
B: However, Peter's uncle and aunt die on purpose because of a thief. He remembers his uncle'words"With great power comes great responsibility."能力越大,责任越大。
E: Therefore, he devotes to the battle with evil. Since then, if there is a criminal, the spider-man will drop from the sky and fight against them.
B: Everytime spider-man rescue people from danger. All citizens love and respect him, in addition, call him"Spider-man".
E: In the end, he wins the bad guys. Nevertheless, when Mary tells Peter she likes him, he refuses and says"I will always be your friend and only be your friend." That's because he knows he has heavy responsibility, he cannot only thinks about love.
B: If you could do good things for other people you had a moral obligation to do those things. That's what's at stake here. Not choice but responsibility.
E: 《蜘蛛侠》这部影片与其他漫威的超级英雄有所不同的是,故事的主人公是一名普通的高中生,但即使是这样平凡的他,最终也成为了人们心中伟大的英雄。

BR: In this superhero-infested age, I'm afraid it's hard to have another girl who can inspire everyone.
C: After all, there is more money than Batman, just like God can't outperform Superman, there is nothing better than Sea King.
BR: 然而这一次DC宇宙的第七部超级英雄电影《雷霆· 沙赞》,却仍然让人眼前一亮。不仅口碑爆棚,烂番茄新鲜度更是高达94%。
C: It is hot because the plot is extremely unique, coupled with Superman a change in image, become very funny. Don't worry, I'll take you through the plot next.
BR: The protagonist is 14-year-old Billy Butterson, whose parents have been missing since he was a child.
C: He later went to the瓦奎兹couple's adopted home and met five small friends.
BR: Freddy was closest to him , by chance, Billy was chosen by a wizard named 沙赞, giving him the power of the gods in Greek mythology.
C: Every time Billy calls out沙赞, he goes from one little toddler to another strong muscular man. But Billy's an immature teenager. Changing the shape of the person behind him completely doesn't match his age,
BR: And this kind of character setting creates many unexpected effects: charging people's mobile phones, electric shock ATM machines for money, electric shock drinks machines for cola, and going to convenience stores to pretend adults buy beer.
C: But as a superhero, fighting against the super villains is inevitable.
BR: As a result of his childhood experience, Dr Hivana, who devoted himself to magic, released Black Adam, took away the pupil, absorbed the power of seven sins, wanted to be the purest person in his heart, and took Billy's power away.
C: 影片中融有部分恐怖元素,利用jump scare 调节气氛。可一旦镜头给了比利这一边,画面就十分搞笑了。《雷霆·沙赞》属于DC宇宙,但是和以往不同的是,它以家庭和青少年为叙事中心,拥有别具一格的幽默感。
BR: The son of God, the child of disgust, the same superpower, the distance between justice and evil is not as far as thought.
C: What kind of attitude you choose to face determines whether you are a superhero or a dark villain.
C:Pleasant times always flies fast.
BR:It's the ending of our program.
BR:Have a nice day! Bye!
编       辑:|张舒涵 曹敏 李一泓 刘甜
制       作:|黄影妮 郭硕
审       核:|贾婧譞 李晓燕


