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Time to fully charge your battery in the nature! Join us on this one-day wild-mountain hiking adventure to Mt. Lingyan. Visit lush forests, enjoy the incredible scenery of Tai Lake and Suzhou from the mountain top and appreciate tranquil historical monastery - Lingyan Mountain Temple in the mountains.
Only 260rmb/person with transport, entrance, tour leaders and travel insurance!
Lingyan Mountain is known throughout China for its picturesque landscape, and has even been the inspiration for many poets of the Tang Dynasty. It has often been praised for its natural beauty, which many believe “exceed others to the South of the Yangtze River”.
Destination: Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province (江苏 苏州)
Date: 8:30am – 7pm Tue. 19th Nov. 2019
Number of Travelers: Around 30 people of many different nationalities
Cost: RMB 260 /person (Includes transportation, tour leader and insurance)
Bus pick up: 8:30am Tue. 19th Nov. at the front door of The Portman Ritz Carlton Shanghai (1376 Nanjing West Rd close to Tongren Rd., walk across two blocks from Ext 3 of Jing An Temple Metro Line 2&7
Trip Inquiry&RSVP:
Tel 15001791355
E-mail travel@okdealclub.com
Customer Service 13817105549(okdealtravel)
Public Wechat OKDealClub
Hiking Difficult Rating: ★★☆☆☆
Wild hiking in nature, Moderate-Suitable for all physically fit people
Trip Itinerary

08:30-09:00 Bus pick up and departure to Suzhou
09:00- 10:30 Arrive at Lingyan Mountain, Suzhou after 1.5-hour bus drive
10:30-11:30 Hike on the Lingyan Mountain and appreciate the beautiful scenery overlooking the whole city
11:30- 13:00 Visit the Lingyan Mountain Temple and enjoy picnic lunch
13:00–17:30 Keep hiking and head for Whitehorse Gully
17:30 -19:00 Back to Shanghai
The Following will be provided by the organizer:
Limited mineral water, first-aid box ect.
What you need to bring
Small backpack, lunch picnic, outdoor non-slip hiking shoes, some water, tissue, some snacks for the bus journey, pack-lunch, other personal stuffs.
Please note this is a wild hike. It is important to have proper hiking shoes, that are non-slip.
Trip Cost: 260rmb per person
Cost includes:
√ Transport from and to Shanghai downtown
√ Entrance fees for main tourist attractions mentioned above
√ Bilingual tour guide and Travel Insurance
The cost does not include:
× Lunch picnic
× Your personal expense
Registration Notice:
We will take full payment for this One-day Trip prior to departure.
If you cancel one week before the trip, we will give you a full refund.
If you cancel less than a week before the trip, we will keep 100RMB as transportation fee.
New members please reply this public WeChat account number 3 for RSVP Procedure Q&A and Deposit Refund Policy
The trip is planned and operated by Shanghai Golden Age Tour agency, if you need invoice pleaselet us know when sign up for this trip
Register for the Trip
Please send the following information below to Wechat: OKDealtravel or email: travel@okdealclub.com with the title of “RSVP for One–Day Mt. Lingyan Hiking Tue. 19th Nov. 2019 “, to register. Call 15001791355 for more details.
(Necessary info.)
Full Name:
Your Passport/ID Number:
(Optional Info.)
Emergency Contact Person:
Food& Beverage Preference:
Long Press this QR code of Wechat Customer Service' WeChat account for tirp for RSVP & inquiry

OKDeal Travel -Shanghai Weekend Getaways&Social Trips every weekend上海英语国际白领旅游社交圈http://www.okdealtravel.com/
OK Deal Travel Waivers / Disclaimers
1. OKDealTravel does not accept anyresponsibility for the following unpredictable factors or changes caused byforce majeure:
A. Due to weather and other force majeurefactors: temporary closure of the scenic spot, suspension of sightseeingvehicles and other scenic areas;
B. Seasonal landscapes that depend on weather conditions, such as snow,flowers, leaves, etc., are greatly affected by weather changes and cannot beguaranteed. The pictures in the advertisements are for reference only;
2. The availability of the hotel facilities(amenities) such as swimming pools, saunas, fitness facilities,etc., the open and closing time may be changed by the hotel;
3. The price of the self-funded items inthe itinerary, such as hot springs, cycling, fruit picking, etc., may bechanged by the local owner. The price in the advertisement is forreference only.
4. If any uncontrollable factors, suchas weather, traffic, etc., affect the itinerary, in order to ensurethe safety of travelers, the itinerary may be adjusted accordingto the actual situation.
5. The hotel single bed or double bed availability is not guaranteed.

OK, Deal! Travel
灵岩山白马涧徒步穿越一日游 仅260元/人
活动地点:江苏 苏州 灵岩山
活动日期:2019年11月19日周二 8:30am - 7:00pm
同行人数:30人 左右
预计花费:260元/人(包含来回空调大巴,所有景点门票,保险费用,领队费用,公共物资费 )
集合地点:11月19日周二早8:30点上海商城波特曼丽嘉酒店门口(南京西路1376号近铜仁路,近2号线/7号线 静安寺地铁站)
电话 15001791355
邮箱 travel@okdealclub.com
客服微信 13817105549(okdealtravel)
灵岩山是雨花石的主要产地,山上名胜古迹众多;灵岩寺、偃月崖、仙人洞、鹿跑泉、白龙池等自然景观不仅风景奇绝,而且皆有动人传说流于民间; “灵岩积雪”乃六合八景之一。
08:30 静安昆仑酒店集合,等成员都到齐后,我们的车09:00之前准时出发,过期不候,如有特殊情况,请及时和领队联系。
10:30 抵达灵岩山脚下,开始徒步登山。
11:00 开始樊登“灵岩秀绝冠江南”和“灵岩奇绝胜天台”的灵岩山。山巅巨石林立,可远眺苏州城。
11:30 抵达灵岩山,参访灵岩山寺,春秋战国吴越后花园。
12:00 午餐:自带干粮。
13:00 继续向白马涧前行,沿路上台阶,穿树林,途中经过一片砂砾路。
17:30 穿山而出,到达白马涧.乘车返回上海。
19:00 抵达上海,结束愉快的旅行
1. 为简化财务流程一日游路线将预收全款,驴友提前一周取消可全部退全款, 出发前一周内取消需扣100元车费领队费用,余款退还
2. 驴友可做银行汇款,微信支付宝或者前来okdeal办公室支付,第一次参加OK, Deal! Club 户外旅游的成员请回复3查看户外旅游活动报名流程及注意事项
3. 本路线由上海金色年华旅行社提供并操作,成员需要旅游发票,或者有抵用券需要使用,请在报名时备注说明。
【活动费用】260元 /人
发送报名信息到客服号OKDealtravel或email 到travel@okdealclub.com,注明标题“RSVP for One –Day Lingyan Moutain Hiking Tour Tue. 19th Nov. 2019”包括以下信息报名,我们收到申请后会和你及时确认付款方式。
Full Name中文全名:
Passport/ID No.护照/身份证号(用于购买旅游保险)
(选填项) --

OKDeal Travel(http://www.okdealtravel.com/,Shanghai Getaways&Socialtrips every weekend上海英语国际白领旅游社交圈,周边游多样路线每周末发团!)

How is OKDeal Travel different from other travel agencies
OKDeal Travel与其它旅游中介机构的不同之处?
1. Bilingual service for trip members from both China and Western origin 为旅游团队内的中外成员提供中英双语服务
2. Reasonable prices with a personal touch--we take into account western culture and habits in food and drinks selection as well as for general trip planning. 价格合理,服务贴心,旅行计划中充分考虑到西方人的生活和饮食习惯,如准备西式早餐和组织派对提供酒水等。
3. Unique travel routes explored by OKDeal professional team, comparing with the popular but commercial and crowded tour places, we prefer to bring you to the no-one-goes-to place with peaceful and beautiful view 专业团队独家开发的特色路线,相比一般旅行社安排的旅游热门路线,商业化和人群拥挤的热门景点,我们更愿意带大家去非商业化的路线,景色安静而优美,让您真正体验到旅游的乐趣。
4. Social parties during the trip with bonfire. Many of our members become good friends and even dates after the trip! 我们在旅游中加入交友环节,晚上组织社交派对帮助大家彼此熟悉,许多成员在旅行之后因此成为好朋友甚至情侣!
5. NO compulsory shopping or attempt to make commission from your purchases. We offer a fully enjoyable, relaxing trip. You do what you want! 我们郑重承诺从不会在旅游活动中安排强制购物或者试图从游客购物中赚取提成,我们为您提供的是完全自由放松娱乐的旅游!