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阅读量:3684021 2019-10-22

for Tanners' Council of Japan
One of the defining qualities of natural leather is that the change it undergoes with years of use does not equate a reduction in quality but rather an addition of character, and this wearing-in actually results in a more attractive piece of material.(天然皮革的主要特征之一是,随着使用年限的增长,皮革的变化并不等于质量下降,而是增添了个性,而这种磨合实际上使材料更具吸引力。)
It occurred to us that we could exploit this characteristics by using tanning oil or sunscreen to place an invisible pattern on the surface of the leather. At the time of purchase, the product would appear to be plain leather, but with use and exposure to sunlight, the pattern would gradually begin to appear. As more time passed and with further exposure to sunlight, the pattern would once again disappear due to overall fading. We wanted it to be a design that would highlight the beauty of leather over time. After testing with a sizeable number of commercially available tanning oils, sunscreens, and combinations of both, we settled on using an overall coating of tanning oil, and on areas around the pattern we used an SPF 50 sunscreen that was coloured to match the leather using a brown makeup powder. In doing so, we were able to avoid the pattern being visible prior to exposure to sunlight due to “wet” colouration that appears when the coating is absorbed.(我们想到,可以通过使用鞣制油或防晒霜在皮革表面上放置不可见的图案来利用这一特性。购买时,产品看起来像是普通皮革,但是随着使用和暴露在阳光下,图案会逐渐开始出现。随着时间的流逝以及进一步暴露在阳光下,图案会由于整体褪色而再次消失。我们希望它能够随着时间的推移突出皮革的美感。在使用大量可商购的晒黑油,防晒霜以及两者的组合进行测试之后,我们决定使用整体晒黑油涂层,在图案周围的区域上我们使用SPF 50防晒霜,该防晒霜的颜色与皮革相匹配。棕色的化妆粉。这样,由于吸收涂层时会出现“湿”色,因此我们能够避免在暴露于阳光之前看到图案。)
Featuring four different patterns, there are five types of items available: folders, book covers, card holders, containers, and stools.(具有四种不同的样式,有五种可用的项目:文件夹,书皮,卡夹,容器和凳子。)


