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女医生遭患者持刀袭击身亡 | Surgeon killed in hospital knife attack

阅读量:3732370 2019-10-24

Police in Northwestern Gansu province are looking into allegations that a proctology patient killed his female surgeon Tuesday with a knife in a hospital.

The suspect, only identified as Yang, attacked the 42-year-old doctor with a knife at Gansu Provincial Hospital in Lanzhou. The victim, surnamed Feng, died despite rescue efforts according to a police statement posted on Sina Weibo.

Initial investigations showed Yang, 54, had a surgery at the hospital, and Feng was the surgeon in charge.
The hospital has not suspended operations, though it has increased its security, a publicity official at the hospital told thepaper, an online news outlet.

Hospital authorities have spared no effort to comfort panicked staff members as well as the victim's family, the official said.
Tan Qindong, a doctor and member of China Medical Association, stressed the importance of psychological intervention for cancer patients.
"It is necessary to let cancer patients know that we doctors are mortals, too, and we cannot decide the life or death of a patient," he said, "We also hope more colleagues can protect themselves."

Ma Dujuan, a doctor at Panyu Central Hospital, Guangzhou city, said that the society should hold "zero tolerance" to violence against doctors. "A society needs to show courtesy to those who fight to save lives," she said, "So that we can encourage more people to join that noble effort."
Another doctor at the hospital was injured by a knife-wielding patient in a separate case last year.
Zhang Zhouxiang contributed to this story.
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