Japanese EHS Legislation
LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date特定化学物質の環境への排出量の把握等及び管理の改善の促進に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令
Ministerial Order Partially Amending the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on Confirmation, etc. of Release Amounts of Specific Chemical Substances in the Environment and Promotion of Improvements to the Management ThereofJP-令和元年財務省?文部科学省?厚生労働省?農林水産省?経済産業省?国土交通省?環境省?防衛省令第一号2019-07-01不正競争防止法等の一部を改正する法律の施行に伴う国土交通省関係省令の整理等に関する省令
Ministerial Order Prescribing Adjustments to the Relevant Ministerial Order of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure to Coordinate with the Enforcement of Act Partially Amending the Unfair Competition Prevention ActJP-令和元年国土交通省令第二十号2019-07-01貨物自動車運送事業法施行規則及び貨物自動車運送事業輸送安全規則の一部を改正する省令
Ministerial Order Partially Amending the Regulation for Enforcement of the Truck Transportation Business Act and the Safety Ordinance on the Transportation of Motor Truck Transportation BusinessJP-令和元年国土交通省令第二十七号2019-11-01道路運送車両法施行規則等の一部を改正する省令
Ministerial Order Partially Amending the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Road Transport Vehicle ActJP-令和元年国土交通省令第三十三号2019-10-01大麻取締法施行規則の一部を改正する省令
Ministerial Order Partially Amending the Regulation for Enforcement of the Cannabis Control ActJP-令和元年厚生労働省?農林水産省令第三号2019-07-01不正競争防止法等の一部を改正する法律の施行に伴う厚生労働省関係省令の整備に関する省令
Ministerial Order Prescribing Adjustments to the Relevant Ministerial Order of the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare to Coordinate with the Enforcement of Act Partially Amending the Unfair Competition Prevention ActJP-令和元年厚生労働省令第二十号2019-07-01労働安全衛生規則等の一部を改正する省令
Ministerial Order Partially Amending the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and HealthJP-令和元年厚生労働省令第三十七号2019-09-01労働安全衛生規則の一部を改正する省令
Ministerial Order Partially Amending the Ordinance on Industrial Safety and HealthJP-令和元年厚生労働省令第三十三号2019-10-01元号を改める政令の施行に伴う環境省関係省令の整理に関する省令
Ministerial Order Prescribing Adjustments to the Relevant Ministerial Order of the Ministry of the Environment to Coordinate with the Cabinet Order on Changing the Name of the EraJP-令和元年環境省令第二号2019-06-27廃棄物の処理及び清掃に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令
Ministerial Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulations of the Waste Management and Public Cleaning ActJP-令和元年環境省令第五号2019-09-04不正競争防止法等の一部を改正する法律の施行に伴う経済産業省?環境省関係省令の整理に関する省令
Ministerial Order Prescribing Adjustments to the Relevant Ministerial Order of the METI and the MOE to Coordinate with the Enforcement of Act Partially Amending the Unfair Competition Prevention ActJP-令和元年経済産業省?環境省令第三号2019-07-01フロン類の使用の合理化及び管理の適正化に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令
Ministerial Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Regulations of the Law Concerning Rationalization of the Use of CFCs and Optimization of ManagementJP-令和元年経済産業省?環境省令第四号2019-09-13不正競争防止法等の一部を改正する法律の施行に伴う経済産業省関係省令の整備に関する省令
Ministerial Order Prescribing Adjustments to the Relevant Ministerial Order of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to Coordinate with the Enforcement of Act Partially Amending the Unfair Competition Prevention ActJP-令和元年経済産業省令第十七号2019-07-01農薬を使用する者が遵守すべき基準を定める省令の一部を改正する省令
Ministerial Order Partially Amending the Ministerial Order to Provide the Standards to be Complied with by Persons Who Use Agricultural ChemicalsJP-令和元年農林水産省?環境省令第五号2020-04-01農林漁業有機物資源のバイオ燃料の原材料としての利用の促進に関する法律施行規則の一部を改正する省令
Ministerial Order Partially Amending the Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on Promotion of Utilization of Organic Resources Originated from Agriculture, Forestry or Fisheries as Materials for Biomass FuelsJP-令和元年農林水産省?経済産業省?環境省令第二号2019-07-01農薬取締法施行規則及び特定試験成績及びその信頼性の確保のための基準に関する省令の一部を改正する省令
Ministerial Order Partially Amending the Agricultural Chemicals Control Act and the Ministerial Order to Provide the Standards to Specific Examination Results and Securing of ReliabilityJP-令和元年農林水産省令第十一号2019-06-28不正競争防止法等の一部を改正する法律の施行に伴う原子力規制委員会関係規則の整備に関する規則
Rules Prescribing Adjustments to the Relevant NSR Rules to Coordinate with the Enforcement of Act Partially Amending the Unfair Competition Prevention ActJP-令和元年原子力規制委員会規則第三号2019-07-01廃棄物の処理及び清掃に関する法律施行令等の一部を改正する政令
Cabinet Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Order of the Waste Management and Public Cleaning ActJP-令和元年政令第八十八号2019-09-14不正競争防止法等の一部を改正する法律の施行に伴う関係政令の整理に関する政令
Ministerial Order Prescribing Adjustments to the Relevant Ministerial Order of the Cabinet Order to Coordinate with the Enforcement of Act Partially Amending the Unfair Competition Prevention ActJP-令和元年政令第四十四号2019-07-01環境影響評価法施行令の一部を改正する政令
Cabinet Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Order on the environmental impact assessment ActJP-令和元年政令第五十三号2020-04-01食品循環資源の再生利用等の促進に関する法律施行令の一部を改正する政令
Cabinet Order Partially Amending the Enforcement Order on the Act on Promotion of Recycling and Related Activities for Treatment of Cyclical Food ResourcesJP-令和元年政令第五十四号2019-07-12危険物の規制に関する規則の一部を改正する省令
Ministerial Order Partially Amending the Regulations on Dangerous GoodsJP-令和元年総務省令第三十四号2019-08-27不正競争防止法等の一部を改正する法律の施行に伴う総務省関係省令の整理に関する省令
Ministerial Order Prescribing Adjustments to the Relevant Ministerial Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications to Coordinate with the Enforcement of Act Partially Amending the Unfair Competition Prevention ActJP-令和元年総務省令第十九号2019-07-01
...>>>>更多数据,请咨询NIMONIK<<<<Malay EHS Legislation
LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective DateAkta Zon Bebas (Pindaan) 2019
Free Zones (Amendment) Act 2019
MY-A1595Not Yet In ForceAkta Perikanan (Pindaan) 2019
Fisheries (Amendment) Act 2019
MY-A1601Not Yet In ForceAkta Standard Minimum Perumahan dan Kemudahan Pekerja (Pindaan) 2019
Workers' Minimum Standards of Housing and Amenities (Amendment) Act 2019MY-A1604Not Yet In ForcePeraturan-Peraturan Penerbangan Awam (Pindaan) (No. 2) 2019
Civil Aviation (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2019MY-P.U.(A)183/20192019-07-04Peraturan-Peraturan Perikanan (Pengawalan Spesies Ikan Yang Terancam) (Pindaan) 2019
Fisheries (Control of Endangered Species of Fish) (Amendment) Regulations 2019
Civil Aviation (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 2019
MY-P.U.(A)187/20192019-07-17Kaedah-Kaedah Kenderaan Motor (Pemeriksaan Berkala, Kelengkapan Dan Standard Pemeriksaan) (Pindaan) 2019
Motor Vehicles (Periodic Inspection, Equipment and Inspection Standard) (Amendment) Rules 2019
Motor Vehicles (Periodic Inspection, Equipment and Inspection Standard) (Amendment) Rules 2019
MY-P.U.(A)191/20192019-07-15Perintah Racun(Pindaan Senarai Racun)(No. 2) 2019
Poisons (Amendment of Poisons List) (No. 2) Order 2019
MY-P.U.(A)202/20192019-07-24Perintah Racun (Pindaan Senarai Racun)(No.3) 2019
Poisons (Amendment of Poisons List) (No. 3) Order 2019
MY-P.U.(A)207/20192019-07-26Peraturan-Peraturan Pembangunan Mineral(Penyata Perangkaan) 2019
Mineral Development (Statistical Returns) Regulations 2019
MY-P.U.(A)208/20192019-08-05Perintah Pengangkutan Jalan (Larangan Penggunaan Jalan) (Jalan Persekutuan) (No. 3) 2019
Road Transport (Prohibition of Use of Road) (Federal Roads) (No. 3) Order 2019 - Road Transport Act 1987
MY-P.U.(A)221/20192019-08-14Perintah Kastam (Larangan Mengenai Import) (Pindaan)(No. 3) 2019
Customs (Prohibition of Imports) (Amendment) ( No. 3) Order 2019
MY-P.U.(A)228/20192019-11-01Perintah Perubatan (Pindaan Jadual Kedua) (No.3) 2019
Medical (Amendment of Second Schedule) (No. 3) Order 2019 - Medical Act 1971
MY-P.U.(A)236/20192019-09-04Perintah Perubatan (Pindaan Jadual Kedua) (No.4) 2019
Medical (Amendment of Second Schedule) (No. 4) Order 2019 - Medical Act 1971
...>>>>更多数据,请咨询NIMONIK<<<<Singapore EHS Legislation
LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective DateRoad Traffic (Amendment) Act 2019SG-Acts-Supp/19-2019Not Yet In ForceFire Safety (Amendment) Act 2019SG-Acts-Supp/22-2019Not Yet In ForceChildren and Young Persons (Amendment) BillSG-BillNo.22/2019
Work Injury Compensation BillSG-BillNo.21/2019
Point-to-Point Passenger Transport Industry BillSG-Bills-Supp/14-2019
Fire Safety (Amendment) BillSG-Bills-Supp/16-2019
Resource Sustainability BillSG-Bills-Supp/20-2019
Road Traffic (Motor Vehicles, Construction and Use) (Exemption for 3-door Omnibus) (Amendment) Order 2019SG-SL-Supp/S468-20192019-07-01Environmental Protection and Management Act (Amendment of Second Schedule) Order 2019SG-SL-Supp/S491-20192020-02-12Environmental Protection and Management (Hazardous Substances) (Amendment) Regulations 2019SG-SL-Supp/S492-20192020-02-12Radiation Protection (Non-Ionising Radiation) (Amendment) Regulations 2019SG-SL-Supp/S517-20192019-08-01Road Traffic (All-Terrain Litter Vacuum Trial — Exemption) Order 2019SG-SL-Supp/S549-20192019-08-12Gas (Supply) (Amendment) Regulations 2019SG-SL-Supp/S577-20192019-09-01Gas (Metering) (Amendment) Regulations 2019SG-SL-Supp/S578-20192019-09-01
Korean EHS Legislation
LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date???????????????
Amendment to Enforcement Decree of Clean Air Conservation Act(2019-07-16)
Presidential Decree No.299882019-07-16????????????????
Amendment to Enforcement Regulations of Clean Air Conservation Act(2019-07-16)
ME Order No.8172019-07-16??????????????
Amendment to Enforcement Decree of Wastes Control Act
Presidential Decree No.299722019-07-09???????????????
Amendment to Enforcement Regulations of Wastes Control Act
ME Order No.8192019-07-24?????????????
Amendment to Enforcement Decree of Labor Standards Act
Presidential Decree No.299642019-07-16???????????????
Amendment to Enforcement Decree of Soil Environment Conservation Act
Presidential Decree No.299722019-07-09????????????
Amendment to Wastes Control Act
Act No.163182019-10-17????????????????????????
Amendment to Enforcement Decree of Act on the Promotion of Saving and Recycling of Resources
Presidential Decree No.301062019-10-08??????????????
Amendment to Enforcement Regulations of Labor Standards Act
MOEL Order No.2632019-10-15??????????????????
Amendment to Enforcement Regulations of Industrial Accident Compensation Insurance Act
MOEL Order No.2632019-10-15?????????????????
Amendment to Enforcement Decree of Energy Use Rationalization Act
Presidential Decree No.301062019-10-08...>>>>更多数据,请咨询NIMONIK<<<<Thai EHS Legislation
LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????.?.????
Ministerial Regulations determining wage rates for service providers for design or construction supervision, B.E. 2562(2019)
Hong Kong Special Administrative Region EHS Legislation
LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date2019年船舶及港口管制(修訂)?(寬免港口設施及燈標費)規例
Shipping and Port Control (Amendment) (Port Facilities and Light Dues Concessions) Regulation 2019
L.N. 99 of 20192019-10-012019年海魚養殖(修訂) (寬免費用)規例
Marine Fish Culture (Amendment) (Fee Concessions) Regulation 2019
L.N. 103 of 20192019-10-012019年礦場(安全) (修訂) (寬免費用)規例
Mines (Safety) (Amendment) (Fee Concessions) Regulation 2019
L.N. 106 of 20192019-10-012019年危險品(一般) (修訂) (寬免費用)規例
Dangerous Goods (General) (Amendment) (Fee Concessions) Regulation 2019
L.N. 107 of 20192019-10-012019年危險品(政府爆炸品倉庫) (修訂) (寬免費用)規例
Dangerous Goods (Government Explosives Depots) (Amendment) (Fee Concessions) Regulation 2019
L.N. 108 of 20192019-10-012019年建造業工人註冊(費用) (修訂) (寬免費用)規例
Construction Workers Registration (Fees) (Amendment) (Fee Concessions) Regulation 2019
L.N. 116 of 20192019-10-012019年建築物(小型工程) (費用) (修訂) (寬免費用)規例
Building (Minor Works) (Fees) (Amendment) (Fee Concessions) Regulation 2019
L.N. 109 of 20192019-10-212019年道路交通條例(修訂附表3) (寬免費用)令
Road Traffic Ordinance (Amendment of Schedule 3) (Fee Concessions) Order 2019
L.N. 102 of 20192019-12-302019年道路交通(公共服務車輛) (修訂) (寬免費用)規例
Road Traffic (Public Service Vehicles) (Amendment) (Fee Concessions) Regulation 2019
2019年第113號法律公告2019-12-302019年污水處理服務(工商業污水附加費) (修訂) (寬免工商業污水附加費)規例
Sewage Services (Trade Effluent Surcharge) (Amendment) (Trade Effluent Surcharge Concessions) Regulation 2019
L.N. 105 of 20192020-01-012019年港口管制(貨物裝卸區) (修訂) (寬免費用)規例
Port Control (Cargo Working Areas) (Amendment) (Fee Concessions) Regulation 2019
L.N. 100 of 20192020-10-012019年商船(本地船隻) (費用) (修訂) (寬免費用)規例
Merchant Shipping (Local Vessels) (Fees) (Amendment) (Fee Concessions) Regulation 2019
L.N. 112 of 20192020-11-012019年道路交通(車輛登記及領牌) (修訂) (寬免費用)規例
Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) (Amendment) (Fee Concessions) Regulation 2019
L.N. 101 of 20192020-12-30...>>>>更多数据,请咨询NIMONIK<<<<
Taiwan Area EHS Legislation
LegislationDocument SignatureFirst Effective Date核釋「雇主聘僱外國人許可及管理辦法」第7條第3項規定
Interpretive Rule Pursuant to Paragraph 3 of Article 7 of "Regulations on the Permission and Administration of the Employment of Foreign Workers"
Lao Dong Fa Guan Zi No.1005088801
Interpretive Rule Pursuant to Paragraph 2 of Article 27 of "Labor Pension Act"
Lao Dong Fu 3 Zi No.1080135708
Amendment of "Regulations for the Revenues and Expenditures, Safekeeping and Utilization of the Fund of the Air Pollution Control Fees"
Yuan Shou Zhu Ji Fa Zi Order No.1080200758A
Addition and Amendment to Factory Management Act
Hua Zong Yi Yi Zi Order No.10800074591
Amendment on Article 2, 5 and 19 of "Operational Regulations Governing Nuclear Safeguards"
Hui Zong Zi Order No.10800084831
Amendment on Partial Articles of "Implementation Regulations of Air Pollution Conduct Control"
Huan Shu Kong Zi Order No.1080052898
Revision of "Approval and Management Directions of Test and Inspection Plant of Liquefied Petroleum Gas Cylinders"
Nei Shou Xiao Zi Order No.1080822705
Amendment on Partial Articles of "Enforcement Rules of the Labor Pension Act"
Lao Dong Fu 3 Zi Order No.1080135714
Amendment on Article 1 of "Charge Standards of Air Pollutant and Noise Inspector Certificate Fee"
Huan Shu Kong Zi Order No.1080054726
Amendment on Article 3 and 25 of "Regulations for the Mediation of Labor-Management Disputes"
Lao Dong Guan 3 Zi Order No.1080127364
Amendment on Partial Articles of "Patent Act"
Yuan Tai Jing Zi No.1080023576
First Batch to Stationary Pollution Source Hazardous Air Pollutant Species and Emission Limit Standards
環署空字第1080056049號Huan Shu Kong Zi No.10800560492019-08-05修正「空氣污染防制專責單位或人員設置及管理辦法」,並修正名稱為「空氣污染防制專責單位或專責人員設置及管理辦法」
Amending "Regulations Governing the Exclusive Unit or Personnel of Air Pollution Prevention" and Renaming it to "Regulations Governing the Exclusive Unit or Exclusive Personnel of Air Pollution Prevention"
Huan Shu Kong Zi Order No.1080056178
Revision on Paragraph 1, 2 and 4 of "Evaluating Directions for Liquid Public Hazardous Material Tank Inspection Professional Institute"
Nei Shou Xiao Zi Order No.1080822728
Volatile Organic Compound Content Limits for Architectural Coatings and Industrial Maintenance Coatings
Huan Shu Kong Zi Order No.1080058264
Interpretive Rule Pursuant to Subparagraph 4 of Article 39 of "Qualifications and Criteria Standards for Foreigners Undertaking the Jobs Specified Under Subparagraph 1 to 6 of Paragraph 1 of Article 46 of the Employment Service Act"
Lao Dong Fa Guan Zi No.10805051431
Interpretive Rule Pursuant to Paragraph 1 of Article 6 of "Qualifications and Criteria Standards for Foreigners Undertaking the Jobs Specified Under Subparagraph 1 to 6 of Paragraph 1 of Article 46 of the Employment Service Act"
Lao Dong Fa Guan Zi No.10805042841
Interpretive Rule Pursuant to Subparagraph 5 of Article 36 of "Qualifications and Criteria Standards for Foreigners Undertaking the Jobs Specified Under Subparagraph 1 to 6 of Paragraph 1 of Article 46 of the Employment Service Act"
Lao Dong Fa Guan Zi No.10805051371
Amendment to Testing Methods and Judging Point for Fire Safety Equipment Test Report (2019-08-20)
Nei Shou Xiao Zi No.1080823020
Ministry of Labor Notice on Stipulation to Modify the Basic Hourly Wages (2019-08-19)
勞動條2字第1080130910號Lao Dong Tiao 2 Zi No.10801309102020-01-01廢止「交通工具排放空氣污染物罰鍰標準」
Abolition of "Fine Standards for Transportation Vehicle Air Pollutant Emission"
Huan Shu Kong Zi No.1080059084
Abolition of "Motor Vehicle Violate Anti-idling of Fine Standards"
Huan Shu Kong Zi No.1080058964
Amendment of "Implementation Regulations for Continuous Daily Penalizing of Air Pollution Control Act Violation" and Renaming (2019-08-19)
Huan Shu Kong Zi No.1080058464
Amendment of "Regulations of Fine Standards for Air Pollution Exhausted by Motor Vehicles" and Renaming (2019-08-19)
環署空字第1080059074號Huan Shu Kong Zi No.10800590742019-08-19營造作業人員一般安全衛生教育訓練核發臺灣職安卡作業要點
Directions for Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Card Issuance After Occupational Safety and Health Education for Construction Workers
Lao Zhi Shou Zi No.10802029162
Directions for Voluntary Labeling Method of Electric Vehicles Efficiency on Energy Consumption of Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs
Neng Ji Zi No.10805011150
Risk Assessment Procedures for Hazardous Air Pollutant from Stationary Source
Huan Shu Kong Zi No.1080061217
Revision on "Operation Criteria for Fire Department Conducting Examination and Inspection of Location, Construction and Equipment of Public Hazardous Substances and Flammable Pressurized Gases Places" (2019-08-26)
Nei Shou Xiao Zi No.1080823067
Amendment of "Regulations Governing the Certification and Authorization of Imported Motor Vehicle Air Pollutants" and Renaming (2019-08-23)
Huan Shu Kong Zi No.1080061034
Revision of Application Forms Related to "Regulations on the Permission and Administration of the Employment of Foreign Workers" (2019-08-28)
Lao Dong Fa Shi Zi No.10805101874
Revision of Application Forms Related to "Directions of the Employment Transfer Regulations and Employment Qualifications for Foreigners Engaging in the Jobs Specified in Subparagraph 8 to 11 of Paragraph 1 of Article 46 of the Employment Services Act" (2019-08-28)
Lao Dong Fa Shi Zi No.10805101875
Amendment on Partial Articles of "Regulations for Labor Pension Act on the Labor Pension Fund Management/Utilization and Profit/Loss Allocation" (2019-08-29)
Lao Dong Fu 4 Zi No.1080135855
Abolition of "Subsidy for Electric Motorcycle Battery Exchange Charge Regulations"
Huan Shu Kong Zi No.1080062471A
Abolition of "Subsidy for Electric Motorcycle Battery Exchange System Regulations"
Huan Shu Kong Zi No.1080062471
Amendment of "Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act Enforcement Rules" and Renaming (2019-09-03)
Huan Shu Hua Zi No.1088000468
Implementation Directions During the Transition Period for Toxic and Concerned Chemical Substances Control Act
Huan Shu Hua Zi No.1088000476
Amendment on Article 2 of "Fee-charging Standards for Compliance Test of Excessive Product Packaging Restriction" (2019-09-05)
Huan Shu Fei Zi No.1080064555
Regulations for Approving Crane Operators, Ground Staffs, Cargo Plan Operators, Lashing Gang Workers and Vehicle Maintenance Workers of the Cargo Loading and Unloading Contracting Business of the Commercial Port Terminal and Supervisors of the Administrating Shipping Agency to Be the Types of Workers Specified in Article 84-1 of "Labor Standards Act"
Lao Dong Tiao 3 Zi No.1080130883
Amendment of "Fuel's Permit and Management Regulations of Manufacturer and Importer" and Renaming (2019-09-06)
Huan Shu Kong Zi No.1080064609
Regulations of Emergency Response Plan and Warning Notification for Air Polluting Accident
Huan Shu Kong Zi No.1080065279
Air Quality Monitoring Regulations
號Huan Shu Zi Zi No.1080064915
Development Plan and the Proportion of Each Renewable Energy Under the Promotion Target of Renewable Energy in 2020, 2021 and 2025 According to Paragraph 1 of Article 6 of Renewable Energy Development Act
Jing Neng Zi No.10804603910
Amendment on Article 2 of "Regulations on Subsidy and Standards for Establishing Breastfeeding (Breast Milk Collection) Rooms, Childcare Facilities and Measures"
Lao Dong Fu 1 Zi No.1080135908
Amendment of “Stationary Pollution Source Installation and Operating Permit Management Regulations” and Renaming
Huan Shu Kong Zi No.1080070285
Amendment on Partial Articles of "Road Traffic Safety Regulations"
Jiao Lu Zi No.10850124421
Amendment on Article 6 of "Enforcement Rules of Fire Services Act"
Tai Nei Xiao Zi No.1080823130
Revision of "Examination and Approval Directions of Fire Emergency Generating Sets"
Nei Shou Xiao Zi No.1080823132
Amendment on "Enforcement Rules of the Patent Act"
號Jing Zhi Zi No.10804604260
Amendment of "Charge Standards on Review and Certificate Fee of Stationary Source Air Pollution Prevention Approve or Permission", and Renaming
Huan Shu Kong Zi No.1080073204
Abolition of "Regulations for Determining Penalties for Environmental Analysis Organizations Violating Water Pollution Control Act"
號Huan Shu Jiao Zi No.1088000533A
Abolition of "Regulations for Determining Penalties for Environmental Analysis Organizations Violating Waste Disposal Act"
Huan Shu Jian Zi No.1088000533B
Amendment on Partial Articles of "Regulations for the Custody and Utilization of Revenues and Expenditures of the Operation Fund of the Bureau of Labor Insurance"
Yuan Shou Zhu Ji Ying Zi No.1080201025A
Amendment on Article 103-1 of "Regulations for Automobile Transportation Operators"
Jiao Lu Zi No.10850130811