Whether the attack on Saudi oil field will have a greater impact on global economy? Who may become the biggest beneficiary ?
On September 14, two major oil facilities of the Saudi national oil company (Saudi Aramco) were attacked by drones and set on fire. The attack took place at a major oil facility near Damman province in eastern Saudi Arabia, while the other site was the Husraith oil field. Yemen's houthi rebels later claimed responsibility.

Aramco said the oil fields that were hit are the largest in the world. This would affect production of nearly 5.7 million barrels a day, or about 5 percent of global oil production. Direct economic losses are estimated at more than $5 billion. Saudi Arabia is reported to be the world's largest supplier of oil, and the shutdown caused by the attack accounts for half of Saudi Arabia's total oil production. Because of this attack, the market supply and demand became very unbalanced and the price of oil rose from 54.85$ to 60.22$ per barrel, it will keep rising in the future.

"Based on the possible impact of the attack on Saudi Arabia on oil prices, I have authorized the release of oil from the strategic petroleum reserve in amounts to be determined as necessary to keep the market well supplied," trump tweeted. The energy department says it is prepared to use the strategic petroleum reserve if necessary to reverse any shocks to the oil market. U.S. energy secretary rick perry has directed his staff to work with the international energy agency to seek necessary action in international markets. The United States has 630 million barrels of strategic oil reserves, the report said.

Our analysis and opinion
但是这次的袭击对于中国以及别的国家来说并不是一件好事。《华盛顿邮报》对2018年沙特阿拉伯原油进口的一项分析显示,不仅仅是中国可能感到了压力。日本2018年进口石油额312亿美元,中国进口297亿美元。韩国和印度也从沙特阿拉伯进口了大量美元原油。此次因袭击造成的油价攀升也致使各国的国内油价上升,而石油作为原材料,它的价格上升也势必会抬高国内整体物价的水平(cost-push inflation)。
国际高一2班 SFLS
音频: 梁家豪(Danny), 陈慧卿(Matt), 远山博人(Mark)
翻译: 梁家豪(Danny), 陈慧卿(Matt), 远山博人(Mark)
编辑: 梁家豪(Danny), 陈慧卿(Matt), 远山博人(Mark)