

A signature loan, also known as a good faith loan or character loan, is a type of personal loan offered by banks and other finance companies that uses only the borrower's signature and promise to pay as collateral. A signature loan can typically be used for any purpose the borrower chooses, although the interest rates may be higher than other forms of credit due to the lack of collateral.
signature loan,也被称为信用贷款,是银行和其他金融公司提供的一种个人贷款,只使用借款人的签名和承诺作为抵押品。signature loan通常可用于借款人选择的任何用途,由于缺乏抵押品,利率可能高于其他形式的信贷。
In some cases, the lender may require a co-signer on the loan but the co-signer only signs a promissory note and is only called upon in the event the original lender defaults on his payments.
本票(Promissory Note)是一项书面的无条件的支付承诺,由一个人作成,并交给另一人,经制票人签名承诺,即期或定期或在可以确定的将来时间,支付一定数目的金钱给一个特定的人或其指定人或来人。我国《票据法》对本票的定义,指的是银行本票,指出票人签发的,承诺自己在见票时无条件支付确定金额给收款人或者持票人的票据。国外票据法,允许企业和个人签发本票,称为一般本票。但在国际贸易中使用的本票,均为银行本票。银行本票都是即期的。一般本票可以是即期的或远期的。
A character loan is a type of unsecured loan that is made because of the lender's faith in the borrower’s reputation and credit. Borrowers are typically able to obtain only small loans by this method. If the borrower is unable to repay the loan, the bank will most likely encounter considerable difficulty in recovering the loaned funds.

character loan 信用贷款
Promissory Note 本票
repay the loan 偿还贷款
recovering the loaned funds 收回贷款资金