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阅读量:3808586 2019-10-26

新闻来自Catholic News Agency.& Catholic Hearld  天主教通讯社
 这些木雕像与一名裸露的亚马逊孕妇的雕像完全相同,最近放在靠近梵蒂冈的加尔默罗会的Santa Maria in Santa Traspontina 圣玛丽亚卡梅尔特教堂中展出,并用在十月份期间亚马逊会议中一些仪式和灵修的活动。
 这些雕像于10月21日被扔进河里。 YouTube上发布的视频显示,两名男子进入教堂,拿走雕像离开,然后将它们从附近的桥下扔到河中。
 这些木雕像已成为主教会议期间争议的象徵东西,这个会议,讨论了教会在南美亚马逊地区的生活和牧灵传教事宜。 它们首次呈现在大众之前是在10月4日梵蒂冈花园举行的的种树仪式上,当时教宗方济各参加了聚会,它们放置一些列雕像的中央,与会人员围绕这些雕像进行了仪式活动。
 根据梵蒂冈提供的笔录,教宗将这些凋像称为“ Pachamama”,这是传统上给予安第斯Andean生育女神的名字,大概可译为“大地之母”。
 虽然尚不清楚他是否在口头上使用它,但教宗对“ Pachamama”一词的使用可能会导致大家对其代表什么和它的性质进行更多辩论。
 梵蒂冈传播办公室负责人Paolo Ruffini上周表示,“从根本上讲,它代是表着生命。 。 我相信用外邦人的象徵去看……是邪恶,它们不是,”他补充说,“它代表着通过女人的生命。”
Pope Francis apologizes that Amazon synod 'Pachamama' was thrown into Tiber RiverCatholic News Agency 25 October, 2019'As bishop of this diocese, I ask forgiveness from those who have been offended by this gesture'After controversial statues were thrown into Rome’s Tiber River, Pope Francis has issued an apology during Friday’s afternoon session of the Vatican’s Synod of Bishops on the Amazon.“As bishop of this diocese,” Pope Francis, who is Bishop of Rome, said, “I ask forgiveness from those who have been offended by this gesture.”Pope Francis also reported that the statues had been recovered from the river, are not damaged, and are being kept in the offices of the head of Italy’s national police.The statues, which were identical carved images of a naked pregnant Amazonian woman, had been displayed in the Carmelite church of Santa Maria in Traspontina, close to the Vatican, and used in several events, rituals, and expression of spirituality taking place during the October 6-27 Amazonian synod.The pope said they had been displayed in the church “without idolatrous intentions,” according to a transcript provided by the Vatican press office.The statues were thrown into the river on October 21; a video released on YouTube showed two men entering the Church, leaving with the statues, and then throwing them off a nearby bridge.The figures have become symbols of controversy during the synod of bishops, which is a meeting held to discuss the Church’s life and pastoral ministry in the Amazonian region of South America. They first appeared at an October 4 tree-planting ceremony in the Vatican gardens, attended by Pope Francis, at which they were in the center of a collection of figurines around which attendees processed.According to the transcript provided by the Vatican, the pope referred to the statues as “Pachamama,” the name traditionally given to an Andean fertility goddess, which can be roughly translated as “Mother Earth.”While it is unclear whether he was using it colloquially, the pope’s use of the term “Pachamama” will likely further ongoing debate regarding the exact nature of the statutes, and what they represent.They had been described as representing “Our Lady of the Amazon,” and some journalists initially suggested they represented the Blessed Virgin Mary.Vatican spokesmen have said that they represent “life,” and are not religious symbols, but some journalists and commentators have raised questions about the origins of the symbols, and whether they were religious symbols of Amazonian indigenous groups.Paolo Ruffini, head of the Vatican’s communications office, said last week that “fundamentally, it represents life. And enough. I believe to try and see pagan symbols or to see… evil, it is not,” he said, adding that “it represents life through a woman.”He equated the image to that of a tree, saying “a tree is a sacred symbol.”The pope said that the statues might be displayed during the closing Mass of the synod on October 27, saying that would be a matter for the Vatican’s Secretary of State to decide.Transcript of Pope Francis’ October 25 remarks, as provided by the Holy See Press Office:“Buon pomeriggio, vi vorrei dire una parola sulle statue della pachamama che sono state tolte dalla chiesa nella Traspontina, che erano lì senza intenzioni idolatriche e sono state buttate al Tevere.Prima di tutto questo è successo a Roma e come vescovo della diocesi io chiedo perdono alle persone che sono state offese da questo gesto.Poi comunico che le statue, che hanno creato tanto clamore mediatico, sono state ritrovate nel Tevere. Le statue non sono danneggiate.Il Comandante dei Carabinieri desidera che si informi di questo ritrovamento prima che la notizia diventi pubblica. Al momento la notizia è riservata e le statue sono custodite nell’ufficio del Comandante dei Carabinieri italiani.Il Comando dei Carabinieri sarà ben lieto di dare seguito a qualsiasi indicazione che si vorrà dare circa la modalità di pubblicazione della notizia e per le altre iniziative che si vogliono prendere a riguardo, ad esempio, riferisce il comandante,’l’esposizione delle statue durante la Santa Messa di chiusura del Sinodo’, si vedrà. Io delego il Segretario di Stato che risponda a questo.Questa è una bella notizia, grazie.”


